On the 23rd of November our class got to have a turn at litter picking. Each class took part as part of the green school committee’s plans to make our school a greener place. It was funny and a bit gross! We found lots of rubbish, include more than 20 old tissues, YUCK. We enjoyed getting out of class for a while to have fun and be helping our school at the same time!
As a class, we have been working together to earn enough Dojo points to get to have our first Dojo points! There are many ways to earn them, from beating records as a class, being extra helpful, or working well as team! For our party, the class had to reach 1,200 points in total. Everyone paid 30 points for their party tickets, which meant we were able to have some popcorn, watch a movie and have extra Golden Time! The party was extra special because Shane, who had been working in our class as part of teacher training, got to take part as well, It was so much fun, hopefully we can have another one soon! |
February 2023