Happy new year everybody! We are excited to start 2022. After watching some new year celebration videos, we were inspired to create some new year firework art using black paper, chalk and oil pastels to celebrate the new year in our class room. We also used Jamboard on our chromebooks to create some new year goal posters. We wrote five goals for 2022 and added some pictures. We worked cooperatively in duos or trios this week on some stone age projects. Each group had to research a specific topic relating to the stone age and create posters with facts and pictures. Then, each group presented their facts to the class. We worked so well together and learned lots more about the stone age!
We learned how to write Kenning poems during our English lessons. Kenning poems have clues to what the poem is about. Each line is two words long and usually the line ends in er. We wrote some kennings to describe ourselves.We did some stone scratching to finish off our cave art work. We found stones and covered them with chalk. Then we scratched designs into them with paperclips. Check them out.Today we created our own cave art. First, we looked at lots of examples of cave art to get inspired and then we got started. We used our stained paper, charcoal and oil pastels. Some of us stuck the paper to the bottom of our tables while drawing so that we could feel like we were really in caves. Have a look at our work. We are learning about the Stone Age at the moment! It is fascinating! Real Stone Tools!We got to feel and look at some replica stone tools made from flint, quartz and other types of stone. We recognised arrow heads, spear heads, axes and knives. Paper Staining!Today, we stained paper with tea and coffee to make it look like the walls of a cave. We are going to use it to recreate some cave art in our classroom later in the week.
February 2023