We were so excited to have some snow on a school day! Luckily we were able to finish our work early, and had a chance to play in the snow as a class! It was so fun, hopefully there's more snow another day.
Fourth class were one of the lucky groups who were able to participate in a few sessions of rugby training in school. Our class absolutely loved it, it was a brilliant sport to play in PE and a great way to burn off some of our energy! A massive thank you to Darren for teaching the 4th, 5th and 6th classes!
On the 23rd of November our class got to have a turn at litter picking. Each class took part as part of the green school committee’s plans to make our school a greener place. It was funny and a bit gross! We found lots of rubbish, include more than 20 old tissues, YUCK. We enjoyed getting out of class for a while to have fun and be helping our school at the same time!
As a class, we have been working together to earn enough Dojo points to get to have our first Dojo points! There are many ways to earn them, from beating records as a class, being extra helpful, or working well as team! For our party, the class had to reach 1,200 points in total. Everyone paid 30 points for their party tickets, which meant we were able to have some popcorn, watch a movie and have extra Golden Time! The party was extra special because Shane, who had been working in our class as part of teacher training, got to take part as well, It was so much fun, hopefully we can have another one soon!On Tuesday November 8th, our class was lucky enough to get to take part in a biodiversity workshop. We learned all about native species to Ireland, types of animals and their habitats, and also explored the wildlife around our school and how we can look after it. Someone in our class even managed to find a four leaf clover! It was super interesting, we're so grateful to Judith for teaching us!
Hi everyone! We have had such a busy time in 4th Class, its hard to keep track of all the fun things we've been up to! We learned all about sound in science. There were lots of cool things we discovered, such as how sound is made and how it travels. One of the experiments we did was create phones out of string and cups, and tried them around the school to see if they worked! Check out the photos of us in action. On Tuesday September 13th, we had the opportunity to go on a fun trip to Tallaght Library for playdough workshop to celebrate Roald Dahl Day! Our class entered a raffle for a spot and we won! Everyone was so excited to go on a trip. We made our way to the library on the luas, which was really fun! Once we got to the library, we met with staff from Everyone for Science, then got straight to work! We made chocolate playdough and had to carefully measure all the ingredients. Once we had made the dough, we used it to make all sorts of chocolate treats and shapes! Once the workshop was over, we got to keep the playdough to take home! It was a really great day. It was so lovely to get the chance to talk with so many of you at our Parent's open evening on Thursday September 22nd. For those of you who were unable to attend, or if you wish to see the slides again, you can access them below. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to get in touch!
Welcome back everyone! We are so excited for a new school year. To start, I just want to highlight some essential information for the year ahead.
February 2023