Over the past couple of weeks, Orla's class have had the chance to use the school set of Beebots. Beebots are small, programmable robots, and proved to be a great hit! We explored inputting various directions and seeing where the beebot would go.
We are always working in pairs or in small groups for different activities. We do Play Rota 4 times each week, playing with our own table at each area. We now have team teaching on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, where we work with 4 different teachers in small groups. Last week, we practiced playing a number game, taking turns to match the pictures to the numerals.
We have had two frogs visit our classroom over the past two days! Yesterday, Shane rescued a frog which was stuck in a drain, and brought it in to show us. It was huge!
Today, we were on our way back from the GP hall, when we noticed another small frog jumping around beside our coats. We helped to pick it up and returned it to our school garden.
Today, we were on our way back from the GP hall, when we noticed another small frog jumping around beside our coats. We helped to pick it up and returned it to our school garden.