We were so excited as we all got onto the double-decker bus which came to take us on our trip. At the Gurdwara, we were given a tour of the different rooms, after we had taken off our shoes, washed our hands and put on a head scarf.
Last Thursday, Junior Infants headed off on their first ever school trip! Claire's, Laura's and Orla's classes all went together to visit Gurdwara Guru Nanak Darbar. This is part of the Learn Together curriculum, and was to help us with our learning of Sikhism. A Gurdwara is a place of worship for Sikhs, and we went to learn all about the building, and about what happens there. We were so excited as we all got onto the double-decker bus which came to take us on our trip. At the Gurdwara, we were given a tour of the different rooms, after we had taken off our shoes, washed our hands and put on a head scarf. We had a fantastic time on our trip - thanks to all of our parent volunteers who helped us on the day. We can't wait for our next trip!
Over the past couple of weeks, Orla's class have had the chance to use the school set of Beebots. Beebots are small, programmable robots, and proved to be a great hit! We explored inputting various directions and seeing where the beebot would go. We are always working in pairs or in small groups for different activities. We do Play Rota 4 times each week, playing with our own table at each area. We now have team teaching on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, where we work with 4 different teachers in small groups. Last week, we practiced playing a number game, taking turns to match the pictures to the numerals. We have had two frogs visit our classroom over the past two days! Yesterday, Shane rescued a frog which was stuck in a drain, and brought it in to show us. It was huge!
Today, we were on our way back from the GP hall, when we noticed another small frog jumping around beside our coats. We helped to pick it up and returned it to our school garden. Claire's class had a visit from Caitríona to teach the children about new life and taking care of a baby. The children learned the proper way to hold a baby, how to wash them , the different types of things you need to care for them and how to feed them. They really loved getting to chance to practice the new things they learned with the dolls. Take a look at our photos. We were very happy to get back to school today, after our snow days! There is still a lot of snow around the campus and covering the yard, but inside our school, it is back to business!
This month, Orla's class have welcomed Trisha, a teaching student on placement in our school. She has been teaching the children all about Spring, about plants and even set up a Garden Centre in our classroom! Leonie's Class were on a school outing and she kindly invited classes to come visit her class while they were out. Claire's class jumped at the opportunity. What fun we had in the sensory room!! Take a look at some of Claire's class revising the sounds they have learned since September. We seemed to have a small class that day! As part of our SESE curriculum we have been learning all about Space and Time (day and night time). We discussed the sun, moon and stars and the different activities people do during the day and during the night. The children in Claire's class really loved this topic and wanted to know more about the whole Solar System! We made clay stars and the 8 planets that make up our Milky Way! Here are two of the songs Claire's class love plus one Claire loves! The Sam Maguire Cup paid a second visit to our school and we were lucky enough to have it in our classrooms for a while where the children got to get really close to it, lift it and some even sat into in! In Claire's class we all got together in a photo with the Dublin colours and of course the Kerry colours!!
Last week was Friendship Week in Citywest ETNS! In Orla's class, we started the week off by having a chat in our classroom about all of the lovely things we could do for our friends. We had some great ideas: playing with them, looking after them if they get hurt, giving them a hug, saying something nice to them, picking up their coat if it falls, sharing with them...the list goes on! We had lots of fun throughout the week; we drew lovely pictures for our friends, we played with our friends from Claire's and Laura's classes, we switched classes for Play Rota.. it was all great fun! Check out some of these games we have been playing in Junior Infants! We can play them on our Interactive Whiteboard, but they could also be used at home. Click on each link to see some of our favourites!